地元の一般的な公立小学校・中学校を卒業し、高校は受験をせず、特待生という形で推薦をいただいた女子校の特別進学クラスに入学して2年で退学しました。小中学校は、幼いながらに漠然と、義務教育だし頑張らなければ!という強い思いがあって、勉強も運動も頑張っていたと思います。自分で言うのも何ですが、成績も良かったし。。。😆 学級委員や生徒会も経験しました。高校は学校見学に行ったところが、私の成績を見て特待生のオファーを出してくれたので、特に大きく悩みもせず、あ、じゃあお願いします、と言って、人より早く中学受験も終えました✨
でも、残念ながら、高校は、2年で辞めてしまったんですよね。。。😅 特待生で特別進学クラスに入れてもらったのにも関わらず、2年の夏以降、ほとんど学校には通わなくなってしまいました。電車で通っていたのですが、雨が降ると駅まで自転車で行くのが面倒になって、何となくフェードアウト。。。😇 仲の良い友達もいたし、虐められた経験も全くないし、先生が嫌いとか、授業がつまんないとか、学校に行きたくないはっきりとした理由は特になかったのですが、大人になって思い返すと、強いて言えば、あの頃、立て続けに同級生が亡くなって、たぶんそれが結構影響していたのではないかな?というのが結論です。
バレエは大好きだったのですが、残念ながら才能はなくて。。。😅 結局、自分が満足できるところまではやりきったかな、というところで、転職することにしました。高校に行かなかった時間、パソコンとばかり向き合っていた時期があり、Adobe系のクリエイティブ系のソフトを学んだり、Webサイトの簡単なコーディングを勉強したりしていました。そんな経験もあって、転職活動は意外にもスムーズに進み、地元の小さな制作会社に拾ってもらうことができました。当時の、いわゆる今でいうIT業界は、スタートアップの小さな制作会社が多くて、学歴は全く関係ありませんでした。どこを見渡しても、今でいうブラック企業ばかりだったけど、若いこともあって、それなりに楽しくやっていました😆
職業としては、最初はウェブディレクター(昔はデザインやコーディングを、ディレクターがしなければならない状況もあったので、全部ひっくるめてウェブディレクターだったかな。。。)、次はAdobe AnalyticsやAdobe Targetを使用して、アクセス解析やA/Bテストを行うようなウェブマーケター、最終的には外資系企業でプリセールスの部門でSolutions Consaltantとして働きました。仕事の勉強はそれなりにしてきたのですが、英語には全く力を入れてこなかったので、そこだけは、後悔といえば後悔かな。。。という感じです😅
Students Days
I graduated from a local general public elementary and junior high school. In high school, I did not take the entrance exam. Still, I entered a particular preparatory class at a girls’ school, where I received a recommendation from a specific student and left after two years. In elementary and junior high school, I had a vague but strong feeling at an early age that it was compulsory education and I had to do my best! I think I did my best in both my studies and sports. I was a good student, and I got good grades. 😆 I was also a member of the class council and student council. The place I went to visit offered me a special scholarship for high school based on my grades, so I didn't worry too much; I just said, "Oh, Thank you," and finished my secondary school entrance exams earlier than other people ✨.
But unfortunately, I left high school after two years. 😅 Even though I was placed in the Special Preparatory Class as a particular student, I hardly went to school after the summer of my second year. I used to go by train, but when it rained, it became a hassle to cycle to the station, so I faded out… 😇 I had good friends, I never experienced any abuse, I didn't like the teachers, the classes were boring, and I didn't have any clear reasons for not wanting to go to school, but when I think back on it as an adult, if I had to say, my classmates passed away in succession at that time, and that probably had a lot to do with it. I think it probably had a lot to do with it. That's what I concluded.
The teachers at the high school came to my house because they were worried about my not coming to school and advised me that if I took credits until the end of my second year, I would only have to take the Daiken (high school graduation certificate) in one subject, modern society, so that I could go to university if I wanted to, until the end of my second year, I managed to earn my attendance days until the end of my second year and took the Daiken in the summer when everyone else was in their third year.
I didn't end up going to university after that, but I did graduate school at the age of 40 😊.
I could utilise my Daiken when I applied for graduate school 20 years later ✨.
If anyone has an academic complex, please look into it, as there are ways to go to graduate school without going to university in Japan today!
Work Experience
I dropped out of high school after two years, but I was a classical ballet teacher until I was old enough for everyone else to finish university. I started with adult lessons in the morning, children's lessons in the evening after a short break, and adult lessons in the evening, first as a teacher's helper, and then I started having my classes. It was a small ballet school in a rural area, and the teacher was elderly, so before I knew it, I was taking lessons from morning till night six times a week. I lived at home and had nothing else I wanted to do, so I had no financial difficulties. My parents wanted me to be alone as soon as possible, though.
I loved ballet, but unfortunately, I didn't have the talent… 😅 In the end, I decided to change jobs when I thought I had reached the point where I was satisfied with my work. When I didn't go to high school, I spent much time with computers, learning creative software from Adobe and simple website coding. Thanks to this experience, my job search went surprisingly smoothly, and I was picked up by a small local production company. At the time, the so-called IT industry as we know it today was entirely of small start-up production companies, so my educational background was utterly irrelevant. Everywhere I looked, all I saw were what we would now call black companies, but being young, I was having a good time with it 😆.
After that, I decided to move to Tokyo because the size of the websites I was producing on a local budget was not enough for me. I wasn't married yet, but my now husband said he would accompany me, so we moved to a company in Tokyo. From there, we both changed jobs every one to two years, and the company we worked for grew, but eventually, we decided to try a foreign company! When we finally decided to take on the challenge of working for a foreign company, we hit a wall regarding our educational backgrounds and decided to attend graduate school. Incidentally, my husband was also a high school graduate, so he graduated from graduate school first, and our daughter was born while he was still in school. Then, when my daughter was three years old, I also started graduate school. There were coronas, but I graduated successfully and worked for a foreign IT company.
Every time the company changes, the people and the environment are new, and the values change. Ultimately, I decided to leave that company, which I had always wanted to work for, and I decided to go to Malaysia with my daughter to study as a mother and child.
As for my profession, I started as a web director (in the past, there were situations where the director had to do the design and coding, so I guess I'm a web director altogether). Next, I worked as a web marketer using Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target for access analysis and A/B testing, and finally, as a Solutions consultant in the pre-sales department of a foreign company. I have studied a fair amount for my job, but I have not put any effort into my English, which is the only regret I have 😅. I regret that 😅.
I am currently unemployed because of my visa, but I vaguely want to work somewhere again 😊.
Thank you for reading this far and for your interest in my career✨